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People often ask me what makes yoga different, well yoga is not just different, but unique! How? It is the only exercise system that is holistic, which means ‘looking at the body as a whole (mind body and soul). Our bodies, emotions and intellect are all intrinsically linked and consequently have a huge impact on our health and emotions.
Ask any Doctor and they will agree that stress is the trigger to sickness and disease. Yoga doesn’t just give us the tools to recognise when the body is under stress, but more importantly it offers tools to reduce stress and manage it. Therefore, giving you back the control of not just your health, but also your emotions. As your emotions are not in control of you - you have just allowed them to be. Why? Because no one has shown you otherwise, but yoga will!
Another aspect of what makes yoga different (and an aspect that has helped me enormously through very challenging times), is the focus on mindfulness, which simply means to be present, to be aware. Mindfulness is another word (less daunting) for meditation. Meditation isn’t anything religious, it just means to draw down the clutter of a busy mind to one pointedness (focus). We can do anything ‘mindfully’ - you can wash your hands mindfully, just be present and feel the soap and the temperature of the water as it caresses your hands. You can mindfully walk, being aware of the elements on your face and the surrounding environment. You can even mindfully listen, although this one is quite a challenge. How often do you think you are listening, and then become aware that your mind has wandered off and you missed what was said? Yoga teaches us to be present. For the past is history, the future is a mystery, but the gift is now - and that's why it's called the 'present'. To be truly present - that’s the biggest gift we can give anyone.
Simply Yoga
For Empowerment & Fun!